How Long Does It Take For A Dwarf Hamster To Get Used To You

How Long Does It Take for a Dwarf Hamster to Get Used to You?

As a seasoned hamster enthusiast, I’ve had the pleasure of raising these tiny furballs for many years. Dwarf hamsters, in particular, have a special place in my heart. Their diminutive size and endearing personalities make them delightful companions. However, one common question that new hamster owners often ask is: How long does it take for a dwarf hamster to get used to you?

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll share my insights, backed by research and personal experience, on building trust with your dwarf hamster. Whether you’re a first-time owner or looking to deepen your bond with your furry friend, read on to discover the secrets to a harmonious relationship.

The Adjustment Period

Patience Is Key

When you bring home a new dwarf hamster, remember that it’s entering an entirely unfamiliar environment. Just like any other pet, your hamster needs time to adjust. The adjustment period varies from hamster to hamster, but on average, it takes about one to two weeks for them to settle in.

During this time, your hamster may exhibit behaviors like hiding, avoiding interaction, or even nipping if it feels threatened. Be patient and give your little friend the space it needs. Avoid sudden movements or loud noises, as these can stress out your hamster further.

Scent Recognition

Dwarf hamsters rely heavily on their sense of smell. To speed up the bonding process, try the following:

  1. Wash your hands: Before handling your hamster, wash your hands thoroughly to remove any foreign scents. This helps your hamster recognize your unique scent.
  2. Scent transfer: Place a piece of unscented tissue or cloth in your hamster’s cage. After a day or two, rub it against your skin and return it to the cage. Your scent will become familiar to your hamster.

Gradual Interaction

Start with short, gentle interactions. Place your hand near the cage and allow your hamster to approach on its terms. Offer treats (small pieces of fresh veggies or a tiny bit of fruit) to associate your presence with positive experiences.

Building Trust


Hand-feeding is a powerful bonding technique. Use tweezers or your fingers to offer treats directly to your hamster. Over time, it will associate your hand with tasty rewards. Be consistent, patient, and gentle.

Talking and Soft Sounds

Dwarf hamsters respond well to soothing sounds. Talk to your hamster in a calm, gentle voice. Read a book aloud or play soft music near the cage. Your hamster will gradually associate your voice with safety.

Taming Sessions

Once your hamster is comfortable with your presence, start taming sessions. Place your hand in the cage and let your hamster explore it. Gradually lift your hand, allowing your hamster to climb onto it. Reward with treats and praise.

Signs of Trust


A curious hamster is a trusting hamster. If your little friend approaches you willingly, sniffs your hand, or climbs onto it, congratulations! You’re making progress.

Reduced Nipping

As trust grows, nipping decreases. If your hamster nibbled your fingers initially, observe whether it happens less frequently. Remember, patience is key.


In summary, the timeline for a dwarf hamster to get used to you varies, but with consistent effort, it typically takes around one to two weeks. Remember to be patient, use positive reinforcement, and respect your hamster’s boundaries. Soon enough, you’ll have a tiny companion who eagerly awaits your visits and treats.

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